Saturday, September 12, 2009

Online shoes Dad-1 Mom-1

So I'll be honest...I didn't expect this to be a very fair race. Every handicapper in Vegas as well as everyone who has met the Tauers would probably have put the morgage on Dad, but alas Mom will not go down without a fight.

Mom got a package in the mail with some clothes she bought online at This is fairly normal so I didn't think anything of it until I noticed she had bought shoes.

I don't buy clothes online myself but I can understand buying most everything with the exception of shoes. Pants...I have a pants size and can buy that size. I can also see all the components of the pants from the website like the existence of legs or the texture and material. Shirts...I wear the same size and I can see all the elements of the shirt from the internet picture. Sleeve, collar, color, etc.

With shoes...every damn brand has a different scale of sizes and it is the most crucial item to your comfort. Thats why they typically encourage you to try them on and walk around. "How do they feel? Take them out for a spin...make a controlled turn at the end of the isle and come back and stand in front of the 1 foot mirror at the base of the bench" Ya know...typical shoe things.

But when you buy shoes online you don't get any of that. Mom bought two pairs from Macy's online. Macy's has a location within 5 miles of our house. Three within 10 miles. But the computer is within 10 feet so I guess Mom wins.

Oh and on an unrelated note she is returning both pairs because one is "too high" and the other "doesn't cover her toe cracks."

Mom pulls even in the race.

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